Sunday, February 20, 2011

Watching and Waiting

Still no Sage. I am not past my due date or anything, but we are ready to have her here now. My due date was originally Feb. 26, which is in less than a week. But it was changed to March 11 and she had been measuring a couple weeks early, so as Feb 26 approaches we are getting more and more anxious and hoping she will come sooner than later. We keep telling her she can come out now. She got so many nice things at her showers and her room is just about ready. As of Friday the 18th I was dilated to a one and a half and 75% effaced, which does not necessarily mean a whole lot. My blood pressure has been a little high, so they have been "watching it". Yesterday I was just really tired and not feeling so well, so we went and took my blood pressure. We took it three times. The first time it was 151/83, then 141/94 and 143/81. Every time it was higher than it has been at the doctors. We called the on call nurse and she suggested we go to labor and delivery. Not wanting to be sent home I was hesitant to go, but Taylor insisted. It was better safe than sorry, but unfortunately or maybe fortunately (depending how you want to look at it) we were sent home. They monitored by blood pressure for about an hour and it was a little high when we arrived, but got lower and lower each time it took it. By the time we left it was the lowest it has ever been! 116/62. Can you believe that?! They took some blood before leaving and also sent me home with a 24 hour kit to take my urine, which I need to drop off at the lab tomorrow and they will also take some more blood. So, as of now they are still "watching" to see what my blood pressure will do and waiting for this little one...

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