Monday, November 12, 2012

Bath Time

Sage loves to play with her teacups and spoons in the bathtub and of course her bath baby too. The other day I had just finished cleaning the bath/shower and started filling it for Sage's bath. I went to the kitchen and was talking to Taylor as he was finishing cleaning up, when I realized Sage was quiet. In a panic I headed down the hall with Taylor right behind me and heard a sweet little voice calling mama. As we walked into the bathroom there was Sage with her jeans, diaper, sweatshirt and all sitting in the tub. We didn't even know she could climb right in. We never ever leave her in the tub alone, not even for a second. We never even turn our backs. Drowning is one of my worst nightmares and I have heard too many stories of how it happens in just a blink of an eye and even in the shallowest of water... I don't know what I was thinking filling it up and walking away. It was a reminder to me of just how careful we have to be. Thankfully she was just fine and we couldn't help but smile a little as we took off her soaking wet clothes and heard her little "yeah yeah" that she was ready for a bath...

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