Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sagey Girl

  • Sage's favorite song use to be "Popcorn popping", but these days it is a close tie between, "Oh Mr. Sun" and "If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gumdrops." She dances around with arms in the air for the sun and loves the "uh uh uh uh uh uh uh" part in "If all the raindrops..." 
  • Likes to walk backwards and and then have us say, "ready, set, go!" and she runs forward and then walks backwards down the hall again to get in position for her sprint forward... again and again.
  • Constantly is saying, "cheese" sounds more like "eeeese" to have her picture taken.
  • Is slowly adding words to her vocabulary. She still signs most of the time and if you ask her to say something she will do the sign instead. She knows about a dozen or so words. (For our own record: mama, dada, hi, bye, no, yeah, okay, amen, cookie, more, papa, poo poo, come on (sounds more like "mon", happy, uh oh, cheese, up, dip. She tries to say some other words here and there with a lot of coaching, but those are the words she uses most often)
  • She no longer says "amen" after a prayer, but says "okay."
  • favorite food: pasta
  • Still loves her bottle. She only gets it at nap and bedtime and we have been putting only water most of the time. Sometimes she gets mad and we add a splash of milk. Somehow if it is white, even if it is just a splash in 4 ounces of water it makes all the difference... 
  • Always calls our for "mama" when she gets up from nap/bedtime. She calls "mama mama" over and over again and louder and louder until we get her out. 
  • Loves to look at her books and for us to quiz her where certain things are in the book so she can find them and point them out. 

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