Tuesday, April 2, 2013


We all (Taylor's siblings and their families) went up to Paradise the day before Easter and spent the day playing and eating good food. We colored eggs, played Easter Bingo, went on an egg hunt and received fun baskets filled with all kinds of "prizes"(surprises- as Sage girl calls them). As always it was tons of fun. We stayed the night at Grandma & Papa's and spent Easter day with them. Even with a hurt arm grandma managed to fix a wonderful Easter dinner. We put the girls baskets outside and had Sage go out and find them. Her happy and excited mood quickly changed as soon as she saw the camera. Her and the camera were not friends that day as you will notice. I am constantly reminded that things do not often go according to plan or how I envision them to play out in my mind. Sometimes I forget to laugh and enjoy the journey. Taylor is always by my side to remind me and to assure me that the day is not ruined over a few tears and snot and that life in fact will go on... I am grateful for this life I live and for my Savior who has made this life possible and makes it oh so sweet. 

1 comment:

Jeanne Fenton said...

Thank you for taking so many pictures. It is so wonderful to relive our family outings through your pictures.