Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happy to be at Santa Fe

Well, we have survived our move with the help of many people, especially Jeanne. She was so great to come down and help us with the yard to get ready for Jodie to get home and also helped a ton with Sage. Also, Taylor's dad, brother and friends Andrew and Derek and also Dan and Jake helped us. We are really liking our new place. We have so much more room than we did at Starcrest and it is so much nicer.We actually have AC that works so we don't have to bring our mattress out to the front room to sleep (like we did all last summer at Starcrest). The complex is 100% better too. We have a pool, spa, sauna, theater room, business center, laundry services, raquetball courts, volleyball, tennis and basketball courts... We have also met many neighbors around us that all seem super friendly. I think our ward will be interesting to get involved with, but I think it will be good. Several of our ward members actually came over and helped us move in. They also have basketball every day of the week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 6 a.m and Tuesday/ Thursday nights at 8 p.m. I feel like our ward is 80% elderly and the rest middle aged, minus maybe five other couples that our ages, but do not have any children. Sage is one of maybe 2 babies in the ward. When I brought her to Relief Society she was the only baby/child in the room. Our primary has just a handfull of children. We hope to be put to work in the ward soon. Everyone we have met so far has been very welcoming. We are happy to be here.

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