Sunday, August 21, 2011


We spent the weekend up in Paradise. It was fun to be able to visit both families. We spent a little time up at Taylor's parents when we got up there. Jodie and the girls and Mary, Michael and Grandma Fenton were up there also. Mary and Michael have been making chocolates and someone from Jeanne's ward came by to show them a few things. Mary and Michael had made the fondant and brought them to dip and learn some signatures. Their chocolates are so good. "Karren Candies" is what they will be named. Michael designed a fun logo and made it into a stamp. So fun! I gave it a try, but I'm afraid my chocolates were not as pretty. It is a lot harder than it looks. It really is an art. We then headed over to Grandma and Papa's where we relaxed and just spent time with them. Grandma watched Sage while we went and played a couple games with Jeanne and Jodie. Sage has been a little monster. We don't know what her deal is, but she has not been sleeping well the past couple days and last night. She is exhausted. We are exhausted. We switched her to soy formula to see if it would help her spitting up, but it hasn't helped. Maybe the switch of formula has something to do with it? Or maybe she has just had so many loving Grandmas and Grandpas around her that she just wants to stay up and play... Today we relaxed and Tony & Jeanne came over to Grandma & Papa's for a late lunch after church. We are loving having both families up there and can't wait for our next visit!

1 comment:

Jeanne Fenton said...

Can't wait to beat you in Rummikub this weekend!