Thursday, October 20, 2011

A typical day

The Sunday School lesson this past Sunday was on Eternal Marriages and we discussed family history a little bit as well. Someone brought up about journal writing and how it is hard sometimes because her day consisted of changing diapers and going to the store, so she said sometimes she feels there isn't anything to write about. I think this is very true, but I also think it is nice to read other people's "every day" activities that may not be that exciting, because it makes me feel like my life is normal and I am not the only one doing "every day" tasks. Please feel free to skip this post if you are not interested in reading a very normal, typical day. Today is just beginning. We all slept in a little and woke up a little after 7. Yes, 7 o'clock is a wonderful blessing in our home these days when our baby girl wakes up anywhere between 5:30-6:30 a.m. I went to the gym and did the elliptical for a half hour and then came home and Taylor got ready for work and I put Sage down for a nap in our closet. That's right. She has been napping in our closet the past few days. She still does not nap great, but she naps better in the dark, and since she doesn't like her pac n play, she is all nested on a pile of blankets on the floor. I need to look into getting black out blinds for her room, but until then she naps in our closet. When she gets up I will feed her some sweet potato and then she will probably play in her excersaucer in the kitchen while I clean up a little. I always put on Pandora and she listens to Disney Music. Sometimes she rocks back and forth and shakes her head like she is dancing. It is the cutest thing. Then we will both get ready for the day. I usually would try and quickly get ready while she naps for 20 minutes, but with her in my closet... I sit in here my sweats. Then we will go for a walk and she will kick her legs and cry when I buckle her in the stroller. She will be fine once we get walking. Towards the end of our walk she will start to fuss because it will be getting close to time for her to have a bottle and unwind for another nap. And that will be our morning. Yesterday, she napped just long enough for me to dry my hair and read scriptures and she was up. We went to Michael's Craft Store to get some white paint for a craft and then to the store to get a few things for dinner. Every time I put Sage in and out of the car she arched her back and kicked her legs. She does not like being strapped down, but does fine once she is in, but she has to at least put up a fight and let me know she does not like it. I made yummy enchiladas and made a few extra for a neighbor who just had surgery. When we got home Sage played and I cleaned up, vacuumed, and cleaned the bathroom. She took an afternoon nap that was a wonderful 40 minutes while I made some chocolate chip pumpkin muffins and got dinner ready to be put into the oven later. When she got up she watched her Baby Signs and we waited for her Aunt Jill and cousin Lacie to come over. We did a little Halloween Craft with the girls. We painted Sage and Lacie's little feet and made them into little ghosts. Super easy, but so cute. Sage had some carrots for dinner and we visited with Jill. Taylor got home right after Jill left and he gave our little bug a bath and got her ready for bed. After feeding her and putting her down Taylor and I had dinner and watched an episode of The Office. I went to the gym and then came home and got ready for bed. I read as Taylor fell asleep and I nagged him to get up and get ready for bed and he kept insisting he was not sleeping! I love our life, even if it is a little less than exciting. I am so gateful that I am able to stay home with our girl even though there are moments of frustration when she does not nap, throws little fits, drops her toy off her highchair over and over and over again and wants me to get it, scratches my face and pulls my hair , spits her food out or when she cries or fusses when I leave the room.. There are so many more moments of her looking at me with a big smile on her face, watching her learn something new, listening to her cute little laugh, scream with excitement, cuddling with her and her holding my finger as I feed her, sitting and reading to her, watching her splash in the tub, the sweet baby smell she still has, the way her eyes follow me around the room... I wouldn't trade those moments for anything in the world. I am so grateful for Taylor's hard work and dedication to support us. I love being a wife and a mother. I love being Taylor's wife and being Sage's mommy.

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