Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Project Life- A Picture A Day

I have heard a lot about Project Life over the last little bit, but have never paid too much attention; which is ironic since I love keeping a record of our family history. Recording our history is my purpose in keeping this blog. Someday I will print the blog out into a book. Hopefully someday soon. I'm only a couple years behind! However, it is a resolution of mine to get caught up! Project Life has several ideas for keeping memories. One idea is A picture A Day: "Take a picture on each of the 365 days this year. Some pictures will illustrate bigger moments and some shots will be routine stuff in your life. It all adds up to paint the full picture of your life right now." Realistically I know I can't keep up and post a picture every day, but I will take one and try and post them once a week. So... here's our year so far!

1. Taylor & I stayed at the Anniversary in for our 2 year anniversary. We stayed in the themed room "Joanie's Diner" 2. Our Sage girl turned 10 months 3. I was found guilty for the speeding ticket I was trying to contest from back in Sept. $209 fine. 4. Playing with yogurt was the highlight of our day 5. Took Sage to the doctor and he sent a referral to have an feeding evaluation with a speech therapist to try and figure out why she chokes when she eats 6. Made homemade granola 7. Had a lot of fun playing with the letter puzzle all together 8. Been making lots of things on the Silhouette 9. Got some great deals at Target for next Winter 10. We made this frame and take turns writing on it- this was Taylor's message to me this morning. He's the sweetest. 

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