Tuesday, August 28, 2012

It's a GIRL!

We made the video to share the news with our family and then friends. We were surprised, but are as excited as can be! With all the many changes and surprises going on in our lives, we decided we needed a little "pick me up" and went to the fetal photo studio at the mall to have an ultrasound a few weeks early. The news sure did lift our spirits, which would have been lifted either way of course, but we are happy to know! Sage was as scared as could be and the ultrasound tech let her lay on the table with me. She cried for a few minutes and then rested her head on me and watched the screen. The tech said she was crying because she thought she was going to have a brother and stopped crying as soon as she found she was going to have a little sister. Two girls! We can't wait to meet our little Harper Lee.

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