Thursday, August 30, 2012

So long Santa Fe!

Taylor is at another interview and Sage is napping. I should continue cleaning up, but I need a break. Moving is one of the worst things in the world. It's right at the top of the list with a sick baby, throwing up, getting a ticket, roller-coasters, and sitting in traffic. With that said, we have loved our time here in Santa Fe. Our little apartment was the perfect set up for the three of us, close to shopping, met some great people and loved our ward. Things we are going to miss: good neighbors, our 2 minute walk to Target, our membership at the Cottonwood Rec Center, the fun park across the street with the fun splash pad and friendly faces at church. Things we will not miss: (mostly noisy issues- our girl is kind of a light sleeper) Wednesday lawn cutting days that always wake our girl from her naps, rude management people, the loud garbage truck that comes on a daily basis and sometimes a couple times a day (although Sage has learned to love that red truck- she always signs "stinky" and waves and blows kisses) and hearing sirens several times a day (remind us never to move next door to a fire station!) We have made a lot of good memories at this place. Sage crawled here, took her first steps, had a half birthday and first birthday, we had some fun get togethers with friends including a fun Christmas White Elephant Party, countless trips to Target to just walk around and get out of the house (Mondays are the day they do mark downs in their baby department!), lots of walks around the neighborhood, watching the Biggest Loser in the evenings while Sage was in bed. This is also the home where we found out that we would have another child bless our lives and this is also the place we came home to when we found out that baby would be our Harper girl. We really have enjoyed this last year here and are going to miss this place. However, we are excited for this next chapter in our lives! 

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