Saturday, October 13, 2012

23 weeks

23 weeks along and we are getting more and more anxious to meet little Harper. For just moving in a week ago our place is feeling pretty organized with the exception of Harper's room, but I guess we have some time... we did order her crib and when we went to pick it up and saw the box for it I knew it would not fit in the car... Taylor on the other hand insisted it would! He ended up bringing it back into the store for them to hold and picked it up later with the help of our friend Jeff and his jeep. First thing this morning before I was even awake he had the crib half way put together! We are all getting exciting around here! Sage thinks the crib is for her baby dolls and wants to climb in with them. She also has tried out the baby swing and has been trying on baby bibs on herself and on her baby dolls. She obviously is in for a big surprise! When you ask her where baby Harper is, she still almost always lifts up her shirt but she also will lift up my shirt  and kiss my belly. She is going to be a great big sister and Harper is going to be the sweetest little sister. We are excited for those two to meet! Sage had been practicing saying "Harper" and is getting pretty good. Sounds a lot more like "Hoppy" and it is so sweet. We love our girls!


1 comment:

Michelle N Lurvey said...

Michelle- Your belly is so cute!! Sage is going to be a great big sister and I am exicited to meet little Harper girl also! Loves!