Friday, March 8, 2013

1 month

Can you really be one month already? I think it has been the fastest month in history. We are so blessed to have you in our family. You are perfect for us.  It has been an adjustment for us all, but not because you are difficult in any way. You are such a good baby and so easy going. We had a few hiccups the first couple weeks with your umbilical cord not drying out and with nursing, but we have things figured out now and you have the cutest belly button and are gaining weight like a champ! You gained 6 oz in just 2 days. At your 2 week appointment you surpassed your birth weight by almost a pound weighing in at 8 lbs 1 oz. You look more and more like your daddy. You like to be swaddled and love to be snuggled. You love to burry your face in mommy's neck. You love to nurse and only tolerate the bottle which we give you a couple times a day. You are still super sleepy, but when you are awake you are very alert and make the best facial expressions. I am convinced you could sleep through a rock concert with how loud your sister is. Speaking of her, Sage bit your toe. She was looking at it and saying "tiny.cute." and next thing I knew your toe was in her mouth and you were crying. You also mysteriously got a little scratch under your eye. Your sister cannot keep her hands off you, but she sure does love you. She always wants to "see Harper" and "me hold her Harper". We love you Harper Lee and don't know what we did without you! 

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