Thursday, September 1, 2011

There's no reasoning with an almost 6 month old!

It's 3am and I am wide awake with a snoozing husband by my side and a crazy baby finially back to sleep... Sage must be growing because this is the second night in a row that she has woken up at 1:30 in the morning to eat. And I might add that she had 7 ounces before going to bed. Last night she went right back to sleep after eating. She always does... except for tonight. I couldn't fall back to sleep with all her chatting in the next room so I made the mistake of going and getting her. She was on her tummy looking all around. I brought her to our bed and she would not be quiet. The more I told her to "shhhhh" the more she had to say. Telling an almost 6 month old to "shhhh" isn't very effective. We tried to ignore her and she would scream. Not a crying scream but a scream like she just discovered her little voice could get loud and she loved it! The more she screamed the more excited she would get and the louder it got. Taylor told her it wasnt time to sing. Maybe she'll be an opera singer. I sat her up to have a little chat with her... a little heart to heart. I tried to reason with her but she just bounced around, did her little excited flapping her arm thing that she does and continued to shreak. Taylor told her she was defiant. At least she's happy right? I wish I could say the same. I brought her back to her room expecting her to put up a fight but she took her binkie and went back to sleep. I wish I could say the same about me. Instead I lay here tossing and turning, wide awake but exhausted...

1 comment:

The Chezik Family said...

:). Makes me laugh!