Thursday, December 8, 2011

Our week

Monday evening we had a wonderful time visiting with family. Tony & Jeanne planned a nice evening full of good food and activities for the grand kids, which included a sticker nativity scene, Christmas matching game, and a story. The story Jeanne shared was "The Last Straw" which is a story of love and service. Every week leading up to Christmas a family would draw a name to secretly serve. With each kind act a piece of straw was placed in an empty manger. The family's goal was to make a soft bed for baby Jesus. It's a really sweet story. We each received a copy of it and Tony had built each family a manger out of wood. The kids all opened their Christmas jammies. It was such a nice evening.

Tuesday evening Taylor's parents, siblings and their spouses and Taylor and I went to see The Blue Man Group perform. We all pitched in and got tickets for Jeanne's birthday. Taylor was the only one who had ever seen them perform. I don't think any of us really knew what to expect, but it was so fun and very entertaining.

Wednesday Sage and I went and hung out with Jill, Lacie and Wyatt.We made a Christmas treat with mini candy cane's and melted chocolate. We also made a red velvet hot chocolate with cream cheese whipped cream that was simply delish. In the evening Taylor and I watched the movie Morning Glory, while I worked on a felt book I am making for my baby.

Today Sage and I are just hanging out and not being very productive other than going to Target and finishing her Christmas shopping and Taylor's too.We are done! I have wrapped all of her gifts and they have covered our tree skirt. Tonight I have a friend coming over to do a craft. We are making magnets. Super easy, but it is nice to get together and craft.

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