Thursday, March 22, 2012

Daddy Daughter Day

I went to bed with a headache and a little stomach ache and then woke up sick with the flu in the middle of the night. When Sage heard my voice this morning as she had breakfast and played with Taylor, she went crazy for me. She banged on our bedroom door and kept yelling for me. I gave her kisses through the door and she made kissy sounds right back to me. When she got up from her nap Taylor got her dressed and even did her hair and the two of them ran to Target to get me some Sprite. Now they're off running an errand and picking themselves up some lunch. Taylor says they're having a daddy daughter day. I love it! I love watching them together. There is something special about a daddy daughter relationship and I know Taylor looks forward to many daddy daughter days to come! Sage sure loves her daddy and I love him too. He's so good to us!

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

What a good daddy!