Monday, April 2, 2012

Conference weekend April 2012

My childhood friend Alicia and her family, which is a second family to me, came into town this weekend. Sage and I spent Friday with them shopping at the Gateway and we all went to dinner at Tucanos. Taylor took Sage home and I hung out with Alicia and Josie. We walked around City Creek and had a good time together. Saturday and Sunday was General Conference. We tried to time Sage's naps so we could really focus on the messages that were being shared. This was one of my favorite messages: Stop it!. (Even if you are not of our faith I would encourage you to watch it.) Saturday evening while Taylor went to dinner with his dad and brother and then to a meeting for the men in the church, Sage and I spent time with Jeanne, Jodie and her girls. Sunday morning Alicia and her family came by for a yummy breakfast of french toast, strawberries and bananas on their way out of town. It was so nice to visit with them and wish we could see them more often. We spent the day watching more of Conference, relaxing and napping. We were going to invite the Chezik's over for dinner, but they had already started dinner and we hadn't put our dinner in the crock pot yet, so they invited us over instead. Dinner was  delish and we love visiting with them. It was such a nice weekend spent being uplifted and spent with friends and family.

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