Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Silly Sage

We are in the process of making a video of our little bug, but until then here is just a little clip. It is too funny not to share. I took it of her yesterday.  I know I have said this before, but I will say it again... Sage is so funny! She is silly and has lots of personality. She is independent. She insists on feeding herself with a spoon, including lots of finger foods. So funny to watch her try and pick up a piece of toast with a spoon. Lots of times I have to put the food on the spoon for her and then she will put it in her mouth. She is also very helpful. This morning as I was putting clothes into the dryer she pulled them out faster than I could even get them in. She is also very curious. She has learned how to slide the closet doors open. She scared me to death the other day because she  had opened the sliding door and was outside on our balcony; Our balcony's railings are way too wide. She can fit right through them without any effort- so scary. Luckily she was distracted by a can of spray paint I had sitting out there... scary too, but at least she was safe.

 A few more things I want to remember about this girl:

  • is eating a lot better. Some of her favorites include: strawberries, pears, bananas, ritz crackers, chicken, toast with butter and yogurt. 
  • likes to walk on her knees
  • screams at the top of her lungs to get peoples attention and then will smile and wave
  • likes to brush her teeth
  • signs: bath, brush teeth, all done, eat, milk, I hear something, dog
  • if we ask her for our phone or keys she will get them for us
  • the other day I read her the book Five Green and Speckled Frogs and when I was singing it a while later she remembered and went and got the book
  • she likes to pull the pillows down off the couch and lay down on them
  • gets so excited if we put a show on for her, but doesn't watch more then a minute 
  • has been sleeping through the night most nights, but fights us often at nap time- we are trying to find a good routine.  
  • LOVES her milk 
  • gives good hugs

1 comment:

XoXo Mommie said...

Love the video! She is so Cute...Zeek used to think it was hilarious when I put diapers on his head(clean ones of course).