Thursday, April 26, 2012


We are grateful for the Peterson's trusting us with their Cole Man while they were away. We had such a good time with him. He and Sage are good friends. Of course he missed his mommy and daddy, but as you can see from the pictures Sage (and us of course) gave him lots of love! We were a family of four for three days and two nights. Saturday our good friends the Averyts came over and spent the day with us four. It was our last hurrah before they leave for the summer. We barbecued, went to City Creek, relaxed and watched a movie and picked up dinner. It was such a fun day. Monday I braved it out by myself since Taylor had work and the kids made it so easy. I even took the both of them to Target and put them in the double shopping cart. Everyone asked if they were twins. We got a little taste of what twins would be like; so much fun, but of course double the work. We love Cole Man and are grateful Sage has a good little friend. 

1 comment:

XoXo Mommie said...

This is so adorable! I think you'd do great with twins :o) I was wondering where you have been, I really enjoy your blog post and your yummy dinners that you post! Hope the new computer is treating you all well.