Thursday, June 30, 2011

When I think I have it all together...

Some mom's appear to have it all together. Not me. For example, the other day I was debating whether or not to wait for Taylor to get home from work before I went to Target. I had a bunch of coupons I needed to use before they expired. I made my list, collected my coupons, got myself and my little bug ready and off we went. As we drove away I noticed it was later than I thought it was and Taylor would be getting off of work in ten minutes. And then I realized that he would be locked out of the house so I searched my purse for my phone. I forgot it. It takes him fifteen minutes or so to get home and since I had it all together I thought I could make it there and back before he got home. Wrong. Not only did I not make it back on time and he was locked out of the house in the summer sun, but I clearly did not have it all together. I had to make 3 trips out to my car. Trip number one was to get my wallet that I left in there. I had got up to the register with time to spare, thinking how good I am and I realize that when I made sure my wallet was in my car as I drove to Target that I left it there. I parked my cart near the register and dragged Sage in her car seat all the way to the farthest parking spot. I got my wallet and put my purse down on the seat. Why would I need my purse that was full of the coupons I was planning on using? Trip number two was to go back to my car to get my purse that I realize I did indeed need once I had already gotten back in the store. Once I had my wallet and my purse I thought we were in good shape and possibly could make it home before Taylor. When we got up to the register and she started ringing me up I couldn't find my wallet. I had set in the car seat. It must have fallen out. The poor lady at the register closed her lane as I frantically retraced my steps all the way to the car for trip number three and all the way back in and looked all around the register. Ten minutes later and a heart attack later I found it at Costumer Service where someone had turned it. Thank goodness for nice, honest people. Taylor was sitting in the shade when my scattered and not so put together self pulled up almost an hour later. I probably would have been irritated, but not my man. He was just happy to see us and laughed with me as I shared with him what I had just experienced. Sage at that point was sad and hungry. She is a good sport like her daddy. She'll have to be a good sport with me as her mommy! Just when I think I have it all together I prove myself wrong! I did save $50 though, so I would say it was worth it! Or was it? What an ordeal!


tony said...

You make me laugh! I love your blog! Thanks for being the highlight of my day.

Jodie said...

i am so glad that i am not the one one who does things like this ALL the time!!!