Wednesday, November 2, 2011

8 months!!!

Dear Sage Bug,

Today you are 8 months old! We can't believe it! It feels like just yesterday that we were anxiously awaiting your arrival. You are such a blessing in our lives. It is so much fun to watch you grow and develop. This month:
  • you had 3 teeth come in. 2 on the bottom and 1 on top.
  • you became increasingly feisty
  • you started to hold your own bottle.
  • we bought you 8 ounce bottles because you are drinking more.
  • you learned to get yourself from a sitting position to laying on your tummy.
  • you are a talking machine. some of your favorite things to say are, "yayayayayaya", "mamamamma", and "bababababa". The middle of the night is your favorite time to talk.
  • you think it is funny when daddy talks to you with his foot (you'll have to ask him about this one)
  • you continued going to bed between 6-6:30 p.m. and wake up once, sometimes twice, to eat. Usually around 3-4 in the morning but sometimes around 1 a.m also. You usually wake up between 6-7.
  • you learned how to pull off your elastic bracelets.
  • you began napping so much better in your crib. We got blackout blinds for your window which make your room pretty dark in the day. You were sleeping in our closet for a couple weeks before this.
  • you celebrated your first Halloween. You dressed up as a little pumpkin and were the cutest pumpkin we have ever seen.
  • you started clapping. You have only done it a few times and do not do it on command.
  • you continued to throw fits- you cry, arch your back, stomp your feet and throw your arms around. You're such a baby!
  • you started to roll around a little to get what you want around you. You are still not crawling
  • you began entertaining yourself a lot more.
  • you sometimes dance when you hear music. You rock back and forth with a big smile on your face. You even do this at church when you hear the hymns.
  • you are still wearing your 6 month clothes, but are starting to wear some of your 9 month clothing.
  • you are still in size 2 diapers.
  • according to our scale you weigh 15 lbs  8 ounces.

You do not like: being put in your stroller or car seat (you dislike being strapped in), you do not like when we try and take away paper from you, you do not like being put to nap or bed (it's a love/hate- you usually stop crying even before we shut your door). There really is not many things you do not like. You are pretty easy going most of the time.

You love: eating mommy and daddy's apples and peaches, eating books, going on walks with mommy, when daddy hangs you upside down and tickles your neck, rubbing noses, paper, playing with plastic water bottles, listening to music, taking your toys out of your toy box by yourself, your finger puppets,  being read to, watching other babies, chatting, lots of attention

We love being your parents. You are such a joy! Happy 8 months our little lady!

mommy & daddy xoxo

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