Sunday, November 13, 2011


At church today the topic of gratitude was discussed. It was said that when we are ungrateful and do not recognize our blessings and that we offend God. How powerful that statement hit me. I am blessed with so much. I know that all that is good comes from God. When it comes to blessings in our lives I do not believe there are any coincidences nor do I believe that we accomplish anything by our own strengths alone. I am grateful that all of our basic needs are met and I recognize and am grateful for all of the luxuries we enjoy. I am especially grateful for a loving, supportive and dedicated husband and a sweet, healthy baby girl. I'm also grateful for extended family that love and support us and that are such wonderful examples to us of how to live Christlike lives. I am grateful to feel the love of God in my life on a daily basis. There is so much to be grateful for. I was talking to my step-mom this evening and learned that she has been laid off at work. She has until the 22nd of December. She has a potential job opportunity with the same company, which would require her to relocate. Everything is up in the air and nothing is certain at this time, but she just kept telling me that it is a blessing and that "God is good." I couldn't agree more. Even during times of challenge and adversity He is there and He is so good!

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