Sunday, November 27, 2011

Welcome Wyatt!

Saturday, November 19, we got a call at 4 in the morning asking if Jill and Dan could drop Lacie girl off to us because Jill was in labor. Taylor of course said yes, but only after asking if Lacie would be sleeping! After he hung up I asked him what was going on and he told me. I asked him what he would have said if Lacie would have been awake... it was like that was the deciding factor. He was half asleep and said he didn't know why he asked that, but I thought it was pretty funny. Wyatt Daniel was born later that morning! He is so handsome and we are so happy to add another nephew to the family. We had a lot of fun with Lacie. She is going to be a great big sister. We made pancakes, built a fort, made play-dough, painted, watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse... We are blessed with some pretty special nieces and nephews in our lives and Sage is blessed with some fun cousins/friends.

1 comment:

The Chezik Family said...

I love these pictures! Could you send them to me when you get a chance? Thank you for being an awesome aunt/uncle/and cousin.