Thursday, November 3, 2011

The saddest thing I have ever seen...

is seeing our little Sage throwing up.

 She was so hungry, but couldn't keep anything down. 8 months without being sick quickly changed yesterday afternoon. We went out to run some errands and before I even left the complex I heard choking. I quickly got out of the car and ran back to her and she was covered in throw up. I turned around, brought her home and got her cleaned up. She was laughing and playing so I thought maybe her last bottle didn't settle well. I cleaned up her car seat and we went out again. As soon as we were in the store I knew that it was a bad idea to have taken her out again. We quickly got home and got cleaned up again. She was hungry so I gave her a bottle. Another bad idea. She drank 3 ounces and it immediately came back up and out her nose, all over the carpet, her blanket and me. She took a nap and Taylor came home with some Pedialyte. We gave her an ounce, waited 15 minutes, gave her another ounce and she was holding it down so we gave her a third ounce and it all came back up. The nurse told us to only give her a teaspoon every 10 minutes for the first hour and then if she held that down 2 teaspoons every 10 minutes and to not give her any formula for 12-24 hours. It was the saddest thing I ever saw. She was so hungry and would get so mad after we would use the medicine dropper to give her a teaspoon. She also had a little fever. She was exhausted, but couldn't sleep because she was hungry. She finally went to bed around 11. (Her normal bedtime is 6:30) She doesn't seen to have much of an appetite this morning, but has held down 5 ounces of formula and is napping now.

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