Thursday, June 14, 2012

Here are some recent pictures taken from my phone. A couple fun things about Sage, some which are pictured here, include: Sage loves to ride on our backs, likes to squeeze into any tiny space she can, loves love loves to look at books (she will find a book and then go and hit the couch for us to come sit down and then reach her arms up for us to pick her up and plop herself right down on our lap), more and more we think she is going to be a lefty and she loves being outside and her new word she says all the time is "wow" and "woah". Today during our walk as we were walking past a house with a water fountain in the front she turns around and tries to stand up in the stroller, points and says, "wow!" It's the cutest thing. 

1. I love holding this little girl's hand. We of course were walking to Target. 2. All ready for be, but she insisted on the headband. Why not? 3. Early morning. I brought Sage into bed to cuddle and she climbed right on daddy's back. 4. Cheddar Bunnies for snack after nap. Check out that cheesy smile. 5. We got a tiny blow up pool for days we don't feel like going to the big pool. She was so excited. She got in with her clothes on while I was trying to fill it up. 6. Reading before bed. Sage loves books.

7. Ice- Cream. We went to This Is The Place last week. They had free admission and free ice-cream. Sage ate her entire cone of strawberry ice-cream by herself. 8. Playing in the dirt and rocks. 9. Emptied her book basket and was looking at books inside of it. Afterwards she put all her books back inside. So smart and so helpful. 10. Lunch. She had a little company. Notice the 2 babies sitting in her highchair with her. 11. People watching. 12. Tying to fit in her babies stroller. 

13. bubbles after church. 14. Every time I tried to sit and play with her she would climb on my back. She is a little monkey. She loves playing this game with dad. 15. Taylor went to empty out the vacuum and I was in the other room. This is how we found our girl. Taking a little ride. 16. Praying before snack. She is so funny. Of course it is always good to pray, but we don't usually pray for our snack. 17. Love that good morning smile. 18. Sage sits so still and lets me do fun things with her hair. She is good sport.

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